Learn How to Make a Paper Snowflake Ornament By Kayla Allen
Written by: KAYLA ALLEN
I tried to go live recently to make this paper snowflake ornament, but it was not working. Apparently, I was not supposed to go live to make it. So what do you do? You roll with the punches and take the message given. LOL! Instead, I'm writing a blog post on how to make it.
The great thing about this paper snowflake ornament is that you can make it with any color or style of paper you have lying around. I especially like how the double-sided paper looks, but you could even utilize plain white paper.
The supplies needed are simple supplies that you may already have on hand.
Supplies Needed to Make This Paper Snowflake Ornament (suggested locations for supplies):
Start by cutting your pieces. I cut one-inch strips. Then I cut them down into (6) 1"x6” strips and (12) 1"x4” strips. I chose the red plaid for the larger points and some sheet music for the smaller points.
Begin folding them end to end. You do not want to actually crease the strips. Just fold end to end. Add in your smaller strips, folding the same way to each side of your larger strips. You will then staple the bundle of three together at the bottom.
Repeat this step five times until you have six little bundles.
Trace your wood bead onto your cardstock or lightweight cardboard and cut out your circle, making sure to cut slightly smaller than what you traced.
Apply a large dollop of hot glue to the circle you cut out and begin placing your bundles in the hot glue to create a snowflake shape. I started by placing two together, one directly above the other. Then I filled in the sides with the other four.
I then added a dot of hot glue right in the middle where all the bundles come together to the opposite side of the snowflake. This will add a little extra security.
Glue your wood bead onto the cardstock or thin cardboard.
You will then want to add a hanger before adding glitter to the ornament. This will keep you from getting glitter all over yourself. I had this little tool that I got at Dollar Tree, but you could also use a needle or a skewer -- anything to create a small hole. I took some baker's twine and tied the ends together to create a loop. Then I used a piece of folded wire to thread the loop through the hole.
All that is left to do is begin applying your glitter. I used Mod Podge and brushed it onto the wood bead first. I chose silver glitter because I wanted a vintage vibe, but you could use any color of glitter you prefer.
To add glitter to the paper I used a foam pouncer since it was a nice flat surface. This allowed me to get glitter on the outside edge only.
This little addition of glitter really jazzes things up a bit. It also really bumps up the vintage factor.
Look at how beautiful it is. These are quick to whip up, not to mention super versatile. I highly recommend trying this one out. It would also be a fun one to try with your kids. If you are a teacher, you could even do this with your class using construction paper.
I hope you enjoyed this paper snowflake ornament craft. Click links below to follow us on all our social media channels for more awesome crafts just like this one.
This snowflake is cool. I wanted to print out the directions but was not sure how to do that. Could you send the directions to me at pbear301@yahoo.com. I would be so grateful. Thank you and happy holidays. Bless you all.